Tuesday 5 November 2013

Take your hamster to work day

So I took my hamster to work with me yesterday.
Because.. well, why not? Every office needs a hamster.

In truth, I have a flat inspection every 6 months just to make sure I'm being a good tenant. And... well technically speaking, my contract does say 'no pets'. Personally, I don't see what could be wrong with having a pet hamster; they don't make mess, they don't make noise, and they don't chew up your slippers and leave them stuffed behind the sofa. But still, it's better to be safe than sorry, ay? So on the day of my inspections, Pippin comes to work with me. I don't think he likes the bumpy car journeys, and he especially doesn't like it if it's raining on the way to the car! but he settles down soon enough. Here he was last time, when I originally sat in the downstairs office.

In all truth, my flat contract states a lot of things you're not allowed to do. No social gatherings, no pets, no loud televisions, no loud music, no having any sort of fun, no excessively loud voices, and my personal favourite - no musical instruments.

Which is a bit of bummer for me, as I have a piano in my flat. I somehow don't think that'd be quite as easy to lug to and from work every 6 months though....

I can only imagine they once had a very rowdy tenant who threw lots of wild parties with loud music, and gave all their friends saxophone lessons while their family of dogs howled because the television volume was turned up so high.

But for now, Pippin gets a trip to work every 6 months. Which I don't think he minds. The office floor is about 10 times the size of my flat, so he gets to actually run around in his ball instead of bump into the sofa, or the door, or my leg every 5 seconds.

It does make carrying a tray of teas and coffees to my desk a lot more interesting though.


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